Prayer Requests
September 2009
NOTICE - God reads this prayer page regularly. Amen



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CURRENT Prayer Requests
Prayer is much more than preparation for the battle.
Prayer IS the battle.

September 2009
Chaplain Harold writes -

Praise the Lord:

  • 1. for good attendance at August's "Look Behind the Wall" jail tour.
  • 2. for a very faithful core of ministry volunteers.
  • 3. for the effectiveness of His Word in the changing of many lives behind bars.


  • 1. for D.H. & J.M. who recently trusted Christ and they have started our Bible correspondence course. Pray for these men as they begin to grow in their faith.
  • 2. for J.R., an Hispanic inmate, who trusted Christ early last month after attending a Bible study led by a ministry volunteer. He faithfully attends the Bible study and is working on the Bible correspondence course. Pray for his continued spiritual growth.
  • 4. for my next "Look Behind the Wall" jail tour on September 17
  • 5. for God's special blessing on my jogathon fund raiser on September 26.

Yours for the souls behind bars,

Chaplain Harold Dimmitt
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
P.O. Box 2227 Williamsburg, VA 23187

serving Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail
9320 Merrimac Trail
Williamsburg, VA 23185

Murdeth writes - I am from Trinidad and Tobago and I currently work for Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and also a graduate of the Bible College, WEBC&S.

It is so good to read sound doctrine from your site. My country is plagued with false doctrine so please keep my country in prayer.

In Christ,
Sara writes - Please pray for the family of Raymond and Sara G, especially the children. At this difficult time during a pending divorce and possibly splitting up the family and children, I pray for what is Your will.
Kacha writes - Please, support me in prayers that I develop friendship with my friends M. and Branka, to talk to them often and go out every Friday and Saturday. please pray.

I ask all this and give God the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus Christ's name

God bless you.
Thinking and praying for you
Emeka writes - Prayer to our God and Lord Jesus for premature in my family and that God will help me to get rid of bad dreams and to fight satan
D G F writes - I would like to request prayer for my relationship. Me and my girlfriend of 2 years are on the rocks and I would like prayer for our union be strengthen by God and He get us through our rough times.
Cheryl writes - Pray for me I need a financial blessing of 2,00 dollars and pray we will get the car we want and all the paper work will go through. I am trying to start a home business to make extra money. pray for Margie and her husband get back together, James, Edward, Carplyn. Lois, Sam
G writes - Please join me in praying for the salvation of Tabitha (a pseudonym) for whom I have been praying for nine years. Thank you.
Barbara writes - I came across your site at the suggestion of a friend on Tagged and am very impressed with the entire site. It's almost as though God gave me direction here to the question of suicide.

My grandson, 20, committed suicide by hanging himself about 2 months ago. He left behind 2 baby girls under 2½ and their mother. He was a Christian and was saved. Without going into detail, he must have felt backed up against a wall, and at such a young age having to be responsible for so much - he must have felt there was no way out of the problems. His suicide was a shock to all of us as he was a bright shining star in his small town during his high school career and in his church.

One of the first subjects I saw while I was searching for a place to sign up for a newsletter - was the subject of suicide. His pastor gave an answer during the funeral that I clung to: That TJ was saved and belonged to Jesus. Jesus died to forgive our sins and that Jesus forgives us our mistakes as humans. TJ made a mistake and had been forgiven by God and was in heaven with Jesus.

I thought to myself that Jesus probably had TJ very busy working on building more new mansions for God's people. I'm not being flippant, I am picturing my grandson safe in the arms of Jesus. Thank you for helping me to understand better that we really don't know what God decides about suicide - that it is under His grace and mercy.

I guess I have made this into a prayer request for our family. We need prayer for the whole family, as well as TJ's little family. TJ's mother is also addicted to prescription drugs and needs a healing. His brother is working, and earns money, however he drinks heavily and needs help to stop. Prayer would definitely be appreciated for all of us.

My husband, Jack, also needs prayer. He fathered a child 37 years ago in Panama while stationed there, and she contacted him a month ago and they have been having daily communication ever since. She is obsessed with wanting to know her father and he is also under conviction for the mistakes he made in this situation years ago.

My husband has not touched me intimately for 30 years and he will never tell me the reason. We have had many problems in our marriage and our children have had many problems. We are a combined family of his, mine adopted, and ours - totaling 8 children altogether. We have 7 living children now. I had 3 adopted children by a first marriage; he had a son by his first marriage; and 3 children born out of wedlock; then we had a child together, my first pregnancy when I was 40. Our little miracle is now a grown up 31 year old.

God knows all about us and our problems. So - prayers would be cherished. I thank you so much and will thank the friend that led me to this site.

Grace and Peace,
Barbara S
Elinore writes - I have a prayer request! We desperately need an alcohol situation to change in this house... I am a 78 year old grandmother... my husband is still working 10/12 hours per day to support our 50 year old son and his two children... dad has been divorced for six years...started drinking and whatever else is involved, right away after his wife left in the middle of the night without leaving a note or any kind of explanation..thus leaving a five year old and an eight month old

Everyone told me within a year he would have a handle on things and be able to function again.. not so! the older one is now 11 and the little one 7. the stress and strain on me is incredible... the kids are not difficult to deal with... the little one is very obedient and sweet little boy. the older one has anger problems because his mom left and now because his dad drinks.. and he gets rebellious.. not terrible, but enough to stress the heck out of me... dad leaves at night and the older one stays up all night waiting and watching for him... the little one just goes to bed and goes right to sleep... their mom did not raise him... I did ! big difference, believe me...

We all need a normal household.. my son agonizes over the drinking.. prays, wonders why GOD won't hear his prayers etc.. other people GOD delivers, why not him... I need relief for all of us...daddy is clean for a few days... makes all new commitments and peace reigns and it is wonderful even for a few days... then here we go again! one week, two weeks.. maybe down for only three of four at a time , and the same time for up time...

I am so tired of this roller coaster... I pray darn near all the time... every time he cleans up etc I absolutely believe it is all over and wham! here we go again... I get depressed, can't help it. so! please pray for the deliverance of this whole family from that awful syndrome of up and down..he hates it too... makes it so difficult... I feel really sorry for him... but I feel sorry for the rest of us too..... please pray with me for this madness to end ... this cycle to be broken... my husband and I both believe we will break 100 if the world stands.. we are on no meds and are really blessed health wise..thank you GOD for that ! already buried two other son's as a result of drug use.... please GOD, LET ME KEEP THIS ONE...
Mary Helen writes - Please pray for the following:

My sister Dyana (age 55) who is the caregiver for my mother has been spotting blood. She had her menopause over 5 years ago.  Pray that there will be nothing seriously wrong with her.  Also pray for her to get her certification in medical coding.  That is her dream and her desire.  She has no back-up if she retires.  This is a very good field to get into.  Please also pray that she will lose the weight (about 60 pounds) so that she will not get ill.  She's finding it very difficult to lose the weight.

Prayer for her son Stephen (age 26) and her grandson (Stephen Isaac, soon to be 2 in the next 2 weeks) and the mother of her grandson Jeanette.  They need to come to the Lord.   They're both very dysfunctional.

Stephen has a new girlfriend named Denise.  He had to break up with Jeanette because she was extremely controlling with him.  They both need guidance with their baby boy Stephen.  Jeanette needs to be a better mother.  She has not bonded with her child.  Please pray that she will have the desire to be a mother and to bond with her child.

Prayer for my sister Elizabeth who is leaving today up North.  She needs a place to live.  She also needs to buy a good used car since it is much needed for her job.  Please pray that they will have mercy upon her at her job and wait until she can get an automobile.  She needs a financial breakthrough and she needs to stop having feelings of hatred towards her other siblings and people and to stop poisoning her adult children towards her siblings.  She needs forgiveness in her life.  She and her older daughter do not have a relationship.  Her old daughter was very abused by her as well as her step dad.  Please pray that Elizabeth will recognize her wrongdoing and repent of her actions with her children.

Please pray that all of Elizabeth's children, Monique (age 36), David (age 34), Daniel (age 31), Stephanie (age 27), and Veronica (age 26) will find full-time careers and not be a financial burden to me.  That they will all be saved and have awesome careers, and Godly mates.  God needs to intervene since they did not have a good family life and they blame their aunts and uncles for their family upbringing.  Their mother is not taking any responsibility. Please pray that God will create situations in their favor where they will find forgiveness, salvation, healing for their emotions, God-directed careers, Godly mates.  Prayer for my sister Elizabeth (age 58) to be married to a Godly man.  All her adult children need to move out of my home and have a desire to move out so that I can eventually sell my home.  Prayer that David (age 34), Stephanie (age 27), and Veronica (age 26) will not depend on public relief or food stops to get by and that they will have a desire to get careers.

Prayer for Jeanette (age 23) Stephen's ex-girlfriend that she will find a place for her and her son to live nearby us and that she will get a full-time job and go back to school for medical coding and that she will have a desire to go back to school.  She is extremely tight with her money and she spends it on herself instead of her baby boy (2 years old).  She and her mother Diane need salvation and their relationship needs to be healed.  Jeanette needs to stop being very stingy with her money and have a salvation experience.

Prayer for my brother David (age 53) whose wife Leslie not a Christian (age 47) controls his very soul.  They have 2 children (ages 10 and 13).  Leslie needs to come to the Lord and he is not the head of their home.  She controls his every step and they have been married now for about 15 years.  They need salvation in their home.  Please pray that God will intervene and that my brother will be the head of their home.  They need divine intervention.

Prayer for my mother age 90 who needs to gain weight and start walking again.  She had a hip fracture at the end of January 2009.  She needs healing and she needs to have enough food and her medical supplies so that my sister Dyana can keep her clean and fed.  We also need to have enough finances to start hiring a caregiver so that my sister Dyana and I will get a break.  We need divine intervention.

Prayer for my niece Christiana to finish her nursing and to find a Godly mate when the timing is right and to marry and have children of her own and to serve God.  She needs divine intervention.  Her dad Ruben needs to be saved and delivered.

Prayer for my friend Robert to direct him in all of his ways and not to fall into sexual sin with a worldly woman and to buy his own mobile home in a nice area and to be more dedicated to the Lord.  He needs divine intervention.

Prayer for my brother Gabriel to be totally saved and delivered from alcohol and to be able to have a flourishing business again and to buy property up North and that God will bless him in every area.  He is 48 years of age and will be 49 in October of this year.  He has been divorced twice and his second divorce was extremely painful.  He does not trust women.  That God will eventually lead him to the right person when he himself is right and delivered.  He needs divine intervention.

Prayer for myself that God will have mercy upon my spiritual condition and that I will return back to the Lord spiritually, and that I will not doubt God that he is able to be with me through all of my trials and tribulations.  I need to return back to the Lord and to start reading my bible, praying, and fasting and going back to church.  I also need to lose weight and be financially stabled.  Pray that I will be directed in what business I will go into.  I am 59 years of age and time is going by very quickly for me.  I also need to pay off the IRS and that they will accept the offer and compromise so that I can pay my $21,600 debt with them.  If accepted, the payoff would be $4,500.

Prayer for my physical appearance and my check-ups with the doctor.  Prayer that I will be able to go back to the dentist and not lose any of my teeth.  Prayer that God will have mercy upon me in every area of my life.  Prayer that I will be able to buy a rowing machine to exercise and to be able to buy shoes and clothes for a better physical appearance and to also fix my hair.  Prayer that I will have all of my physical check-ups completed.  Prayer that God will send new Godly male and female friends my way and that I will have enough money to buy 4 new tires for my car, my back brakes, my timing belt and to pay for my registration for this year. 

Prayer for Ron and Evelyn that God will see that my sister Evelyn does not hold her husband as a God but that she will be totally delivered and see Jesus as her God.  That Ron will be saved.

Prayer for my sister Judy, her husband Ernie, Sr., her 3 children, Ernie, Jr. (age 24), Christopher (age 20 soon to be 21), and Michael James (age 13).  She is in the process of buying another home in her husband's name Ernie.  Pray for their marriage that it will finally be revived after all of those years.  She is 50 years of age soon to be 51 and he will be 50 next month.  They all need Jesus to intervene with Godly intervention.

Prayer for Larry, my friend Robert's brother-in-law to find a job.  He as been unable to find one in his home town.  He needs divine intervention.

Urgent prayer for myself:
1.  To continue my intercessory prayer with my prayer partner which has stopped since some of my family members moved in
2.  To have my niece Monique (age 36) and her baby to move into their new apartment.  She rented it a few weeks ago but has not moved in because she needs assistance setting up.  That she will find that assistance to move in.  Also urgent prayer for her 3-month old son Edward Isaac.  He does not seem to be lifting his neck or hands the way normal babies usually do.  Please pray that nothing will be wrong with his central nervous system.  He needs divine intervention.  He is such a cute and happy baby.  My niece needs divine intervention and deliverance.  She is very angry and dysfunctional and a very wounded puppy from childhood. 
3.  I need my finances to kick in since I have a lot due on August 14th and I do not have all the funds to do things with.
4.  My sister Elizabeth has found a great place to live up North and please pray that her son Daniel will have compassion and loan her the $400 that she needs to move in today.  She needs the money by 4pm.  I gave him her checking account.  We need a miracle here.
5.  Pray that I will be able to handle both my desks at my job.  I need to organize and file some files away.
6.  Prayer for my sister Dyana to have her coding license and to be nicer to me and other members of the family.
7.  For Stephanie to go home without my brother Gabriel coming down to pick her up.  He has a drinking problem and he can get pretty upset if he sees my mother who feel a few month ago in her condition.  She is 90.
8.  For my mother to start walking on her walker and to gain weight and to sleep better.
9.  For my nephew Stephen (age 26) son Stephen Isaac (soon to be 2) to find a day care center.  We have one in mind where they are Christian.  That they both will agree to put him in there full-time so that he can interact with other children.  Also that God will come through with the finances and that Jeanette and Stephen will be saved (his parents) and get full-time jobs.

That the bank will reverse all the bank charges on my checking account.  I need to be a better steward of my money.  God is able.  Please keep me in your prayers for a financial breakthrough.

I have adult siblings that live with me and do not pay me any money.  I also previously quit my job because of difficult employers and I was hired for $20,000 less.  That I will be able to pay off my home (1st/2nd) and pay off all bills owing.  God bless you all for praying for me.

My two nieces have applied for welfare relief and they are using my home address as their permanent address to receive welfare.  My mother receives her Medicare at my home and her social security checks.  I do not want to get in trouble with the government.  Please pray that a solution will be found by our Lord Jesus and fix this situation and remove them from using this address in Jesus name that they will get their own post office address in the name of Jesus and that my both my nephews will have a desire to move out and that God will give them a burning desire and find a place for them to live.  Amen

My nephew Stephen (age 26) works at a shop for his friend which sells marijuana for medicinal purposes.  However, he was not at the shop today and someone came in with a gun.  His life was spared.  However, we would like to have everyone pray that he will not work at that shop anymore and that God will miraculously provide for him a job in the medical billing school.  He is not saved.  He has backslidden and he needs to be saved.  He is in the world.  So God has mercy upon him because his mother is praying for him.  Please remember him in your prayers for divine intervention and to remove him from that job and to give steady work and that the government will close that Marijuana shop of his friend in Jesus name we pray.  He has a 2-year old son named Stephen Isaac and that he will be a Godly and good father to his son

My 90-year old mother has had diarrhea on and off for two days.  It has however gotten better.  Please pray that God will heal her from her diarrhea.  She needs divine intervention Thank you all for praying for my 90-year old mother named Esperanza.  Since my sister Dyana (age 55) is the caregiver and the siblings found out that my mother has diarrhea they have been very mean to her.  Please lift up my sister Dyana in your prayers.  Thank you.

Prayer that my 90-year old mother's diarrhea be stopped and healed completely.  And prayer that she gain 35 pounds.  Also prayer that my siblings will come through to help us financially to get mom what she needs to eat and her necessities.  Prayer for my financial breakthrough and that I will have enough money to pay my mortgage payment.  Prayer for peace for me and Dyana (the caregiver) as we take care of my 90-year old mother and prayer that Jeanette, my nephew's ex-girlfriend will be responsible for taking care of her 2-year old boy and not rely on us to babysit.  Also prayer that my sister Dyana the caregiver will get medical job as a coder.  Prayer that my adult nieces and nephews that live with me will get their act together, get jobs, get married, and move out on their own.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen! 

Bill and Amy write - We request your prayers for. . .

  • God's hand to be upon each and every member of our family
  • God's protection for our two family members who are in the military and often go "in harm's way."
  • God's anointment on our three family members (G, A, K) who are serving God by providing healing services in a hospital. They, too, are "in harm's way" because they work in an environment of people with diseases - many of which are communicable.
  • That our children, grandchildren, and great grandchild will continue to grow in the knowledge, love, and grace of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah
  • We especially covet your prayers that God will comfort and assure Amy concerning her major surgery on September 8.
  • Amy is very prone to having accidents that break her brittle bones &/or bruise and wound her VERY thin skin. Also, she suffers from anemia, and has frequent UTI (Urinary Tract Infections). Please pray that God will heal her anemia, and protect her from injury and UTI.
  • Please pray for beloved friend, Yaeko, and for our sister, Hanako, to recover from their ailments and to be delivered from pain.
  • Please pray for our beloved friend Ada who is caring for her husband who has Alzheimer's.
  • Please ask God to guide Billy & Andrea to pursue their relationship in accordance with God's Word and God's will. Grant them wisdom and courage to do that which is pleasing to God.
  • That Bill will become more mellow and gentle in his ways
  • Blessing and sustainment upon our home and car.
  • Healing mercies for Bill's IBS and COPD
  • Progress, fulfillment, & blessings on all family members in their respective careers
  • Blessings and wisdom for the medical people who look after us
  • We need to make essential repairs to our home. We are on a tight budget. Please, God, guide us to find good and honest workers who will do a good job at a fair price. 

To = Prayer requests for prior days in August 2009


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