W. Tisdale -editor |
Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took the small boy to a Paderewski concert.
After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE." When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master, Paderewski, made his entrance. Paderewski quickly moved to the piano and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized. That's the way it is with God! Next Column --> |
2- When
you undertake a Christian ministry, what you can accomplish on your own may not seem very noteworthy. You try your
best to serve God, but the results aren't always the graceful flowing "music" that you had hoped to achieve. BUT -- with the helping hands of the Master, your efforts can be instantly transformed into something quite beautiful! So the next time you set out to accomplish great feats -- if everything seems to be going wrong -- listen carefully. When you listen, you will hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Feel God's loving arms around you. Know that God's strong hands are playing in harmony with your hands -- filling in the gaps of your amateurish hesitations, turning your feeble efforts into a beautiful symphony -- the concerto of your life. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped. God equips the called! Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED for God's grace. Amen |
1 of 3- i thank You God for most this amazing (i who have died am alive again today, |
2 of 3- how should tasting touching hearing seeing (now the ears of my ears awake and |
3 of 3- Offer
to God thanksgiving, (God says:) Psalm 50.14-15 |